Saturday, October 5, 2013

We reached the beach!

We had a really relaxed day on the beach. Check out our pedicured feet ;)

In the afternoon we walked by the beach boulevard trying to find a nice place to have lunch.

In the evening we went back to the beach to see the beautiful sunset.

The awesome day ended with dinner including amazing indonesian food, some drinks and long discussions.


  1. Mukavaa aikaa Balilla. Etsikää rentouttavia hetkiä ja löytäkää kauniita paikkoja. Tulemme pian perässä.
    Tuija Tarmo ja Ilona-koira
    Ps tutuille terveisiä

  2. Hej Ni,
    Skulle det kunna vara liksom - Bali Hali :)
    Looks like you chose a good spot in Asia, also the hotel seems indeed neat.
    Behind the 30 well-treated beautiful toes, are there any wave-runners around?
    In southern Finland is also a värmebölja, +16C expected on Monday, October.
    Have a nice evening, regards Jarkko
